“The biggest problem we all face is the story that we tell ourselves of what our lives have been. It’s keeping us in a box. The ‘cubicle’ you’re really living in is your story.”
Zach Bush, MD
Take 11 minutes to experience one of the most fascinating and popular physician-activists in the world.
For the uninitiated, Zach Bush’s varied interests belie attempts to properly define him — but we’ll give it a try. One of the few triple-board certified physicians in America with expertise in Internal Medicine, Endocrinology and Metabolism, and Hospice/Palliative care. He’s the founder and director of M Clinic integrative health center in Virginia.
In addition to his experience in functional medicine, longevity, autism, gut health, cancer, and many other areas of medicine, he is an avid environmentalist and activist involved in a multitude of projects that focus on ecology, regenerative agriculture, farmer well-being, and spirituality.
Give yourself the gift of this 11-minute “best monologue ever.” You’re worth it!