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What it means to be anti-racist

Vox article explains the meaning and history of the word “antiracism”

The Case for Reparations (Text and Audio available)

A well regarded essay in The Atlantic that sparks a new level of discussion about what is owed in terms of reparations

The Big Uneasy

Thought-provoking collection of comments by students, especially of color, and other marginalized groups, on the clash of progressive intentions versus reliance on an ”amoral meritocracy” at a liberal arts college

Combating Anti-Muslim Bias

A magazine feature from Teaching Tolerance addressing anti-Muslim bias in schools.

Understanding Cultural Appropriation

How We Can Work Together to Avoid Cultural Appropriation in Yoga

Yoga International writer Arundhati Baitmangalkar explains the difference between cultural appropriation and cultural appreciation in yoga practice.

Even Spirit Has No Place to Call Home: Cultural Appropriation, Microaggression and Structural Racism in the Yoga Workplace

Satya Yoga Cooperative founder Lakshmi Nair describes her experiences with cultural appropriation and microaggressions in the yoga teaching community.

This page is regularly updated as we come into additional valuable resources and information