Lotus Center Open for Retail Sales
Saturday, December 5
11:30 AM — 3:30 PM
Please stop by Lotus Center this Saturday for some holiday shopping!
Available for purchase will be . . .
— T-shirts (women’s and men’s; long-sleeve, short-sleeve, and tanks)
— New holiday greeting cards (artwork compliments of Tim Bell)
— Yoga mat bags
— Gift certificates
— A new batch of our custom Lotus tiles (by Syzygy Tile) . . . with brand-new colors!
— Inspiring and unique books
— Our ever-popular “Zia LOVE” decals
Can’t make it tomorrow? No worries! We’ll also be open on the following Saturdays: December 12 and 19, from 11:30 AM — 3:30 PM.
Thank you for supporting our non-profit, community-owned Lotus Center!