Myssage Now Welcoming Indoor, In-person Attendance!

Hi, Everybody!
Please note that beginning this Sunday, March 20, you are welcome to come on down to the Lotus Center and partake of Myssage in person!
Please note that Juniper will continue to offer the class via live stream. So, you are welcome to attend in person or online. To register for the live stream (no registration is required for in-person attendance), please visit . . .
Thank you for supporting your non-profit, community-owned Lotus Center!
Myssage with Juniper
Sundays; 4:00 to 5:15 PM
Cost: $10 drop-in; $8 w/ a Lotus Class Card
Undoing Racism; A Forum for Racial Justice, Equity, and Healing
Undoing Racism is a Lotus Center campaign and blog site that provides articles, videos, and other resources to help people become more informed about historical and contemporary issues of race and racism. The blog was conceived in response to the May 25, 2020 death of George Floyd.
New posts are made every Monday and Friday afternoon. A form through which you can subscribe and be notified of new postings can be found at: