Heart Conversations

Heart Conversations
Held on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of Each Month
2:00 — 3:30 PM
Please join us for a Heart Conversation this Sunday, April 17, from 2:00 to 3:30 PM outdoors in the back garden of Light Art Space. Here is this Sunday’s conversation topic . . .
Topic: Legacy
Since the beginning of humanity, some remarkable legacies have been left . . . some beautiful and inspiring, others not so much.
What do you think of legacies? Are they important to you? Do they inspire you?
Perhaps most important is this: Like it or not, you will leave a legacy. What legacy do you hope that will be?
For complete information on Heart Conversations, please visit: www.LotusCenterSC.org/Events
The sharing circles follow a format similar to that of 12-step recovery meetings. Personal sharing, rather than academic or philosophical views, will be encouraged; “cross talking” is not allowed, and; all that is shared will be retained in confidence. No registration is required.
Thank you for supporting your non-profit, community-owned Lotus Center!
Lotus Center is a non-profit, community-owned organization. In addition to being a traditional center for yoga, meditation, and dance, we have a number of community service programs including Yoga in Public Schools (“YIPS”), a racial justice/education campaign called Undoing Racism, and a YouTube channel with many free yoga and meditation videos.
To make a charitable donation, please visit . . .
and click on the yellow “Donate” button. Thank you for your generosity!