Resuming 7 AM Meditation at Lotus?

Greetings, Meditation Community!
We have received several requests to resume 7 AM meditation (unguided) at Lotus Center. You may recall that Lotus offered 7 AM meditation 365 mornings a year prior to the pandemic.
We are looking for folks to facilitate the morning meditation one morning a week. Facilitating involves . . .
– Arriving at Lotus Center at 6:30 AM to open the building, turn on the lights, light candles, and turn up the heat (depending on the season).
– Start the meditation promptly at 7:00
– End the meditation promptly at 7:45
– Close and lock up the building after everyone has left
If you are interested in being a facilitator one day a week (for example, every Tuesday, or every Sunday), starting on May 1, please write us back here at this address.
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