Commitment to Walk the Talk

“Bodhicitta has two aspects in the traditional texts: the bodhicitta of aspiration and the bodhicitta of engagement. The bodhicitta of aspiration is our desire to wake up in order to bring all beings to the highest freedom. Bodhicitta of engagement is more than just having a noble aspiration, a noble wish for others. It means having a sincere commitment to practice the means of awakening, such as the six paramitas, in order to bring about the highest liberation to all beings. It is the commitment to walk the talk. Someone who holds this aspiration is called a bodhisattva. A bodhisattva must both aspire for and engage in activities to help others. This includes all activities: from alleviating the smallest pain to helping other beings find unconditional freedom. Some texts use the phrase “embracing samsara,” meaning to hold tender awareness for and work tirelessly to alleviate the suffering of beings, the terrible forces binding them to confusion, and their tendency to perpetuate misery. This is the challenge of the bodhisattva.”
Excerpt From
Into the Haunted Ground
Anam Thubten