Reminder: Feng Shui Workshop Saturday, April 1 at 1:00 PM!

Please join Feng Shui expert Gary Hendrickson for this special half-day workshop . . .
Raise Your Frequency & Consciousness with Feng Shui
Saturday, April 1 from 1:00 to 4:00 PM
Cost: $45
For more information, call Lotus Center at (575) 956-6647
Gary Hendrickson is one of the premiere Feng Shui educators globally. He specializes in synthesizing many of the most effective major schools of Feng Shui into his consultations and classes, achieving powerful results. With over 47 years experience, he is an architectural designer, author, consultant, lecturer, and instructor of Feng Shui, and a Founding Council Member of the International Feng Shui Guild (IFSG).
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