Just Do It?

“In modern society, we are told that we can be anybody we want to be. This aspiration tends to inflame narcissism, though. The need for recognition can cause people to behave in cruel and unfortunate ways. Capitalist society tells us we can amass as much fortune as we want. People feel empowered but must compete with everybody else to get the best. The basic impulse to survive becomes egotistic because it would do anything in order for me to survive. There is a simple urge to survive in the natural world. Cows, dogs, turkeys, monkeys, and even squirrels will do their best to survive. The human race, however, gets egoistically hijacked in our urge to survive. Humans tend to suffer mentally and psychologically and to fall into a biological spell. The sense of struggle and reward is mesmerizing to the ego.”
Excerpt From
Into the Haunted Ground
Anam Thubten