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Active Hope and Cosmic Dialogue

A Film and Discussion Series with Shirley Pevarnik

Four Consecutive Tuesdays Beginning July 11
Times: 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Location: Lotus Center, 211 W. Broadway, Silver City

In this series we will weave together…

  • The practice of Joanna Macy’s “Active Hope” program and the “Great Turning”
  • Thomas Berry’s “Great Work”
  • A new scientific story by Brian Swimme’s

…with short videos, discussions, and exercises through which we will explore our evolving understanding of our Global Consciousness Together.

Our objective for this series: To create sacred responses to the overwhelming ecological and social challenges of our time.

About Active Hope…

Active Hope is not optimism.

But like yoga or meditation, it is a practice; a practice of not withdrawing from the massive challenges of our time, but finding energy and answers by being present. We will use Joanna Macy’s Active Hope practices and learn more about what she calls “The Great Turning.”

About Cosmic Dialogue…

The Human Energy Project has put together a series of videos facilitated by Brian Swimme, an amazing cosmologist. He will help us explore the stunning revelation that we humans are part of what has been called the “noosphere” or Global Consciousness. All of these stunning new insights require dialogue on how we each fit into this Noosphere, Planetary Consciousness, and Great Work,

Let’s celebrate our capacity for sacredness not cynicism!

Cost: By donation; No one turned away for lack of funds

For more information, please write Shirley at

TLC (“The Lotus Center”) in the Community…

Nonviolent Communication (“NVC”): In November of 2022, Lotus Center partnered with the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Silver City (“UU”) to provide a weekend training in NVC, as presented in the text of the same title by author Marshall Rosenberg. For this weekend training, Lotus and the UU retained a Truth or Consequences-based certified NVC trainer to conduct the training which was attended by 35 people. An outgrowth of that training is a weekly, ongoing NVC “Practice Group,” which is offered at Lotus Center by donation with no one ever being turned away for lack of funds.