Registration Now Open: Nonviolent Communication Weekend Workshop with Karen Starz

Sponsored by the Silver City Food Co-op and Lotus Center
A Snapshot
A weekend of training in nonviolent communication, as developed and taught by Marshall Rosenberg, author of Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life.
- Friday, November 3, 6:00 to 8:00 PM – A get-acquainted mixer at the UU Fellowship of Silver City, 3845 N. Swan Street.
- Saturday, November 4, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM – A day of training in nonviolent communication, also at the UU Fellowship of Silver City.
- Sunday, November 5, 1:00 – 3:30 PM – A special training on providing and receiving “collaborative feedback,” also at the UU Fellowship of Silver City.
Cost: $70
Sliding scale: $30 — $60 (the fee includes a copy of the text Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life)
To register and pay, click:
Redeem one of these coupon codes during sign-up for sliding scale:
Coupon | Sliding Scale |
NVCPAY60 | $60 |
NVCPAY50 | $50 |
NVCPAY40 | $40 |
NVCPAY30 | $30 |
Space is limited; please sign up early. Masks optional.
The Challenge
For many of us, our world feels more volatile than ever. Political, social, and economic conditions – and dialog – seem more intense and polarized like never before. Many of us wonder what we, individually, can do to bridge the gap of our disparate views, to invite more civil exchanges, to facilitate understanding, and to heal.
Now more than ever, our world needs nonviolent communication.
What is Violent Communication?
If “violent” means acting in ways that result in hurt or harm, then much of how we communicate – judging others, blaming, finger pointing, discriminating, speaking without listening, criticizing others or ourselves, name-calling, reacting when angry, using political rhetoric, being defensive or judging who’s “good/bad” or what’s “right/wrong” with people – could indeed be called “violent communication.”
What is Nonviolent Communication?
Nonviolent Communication, or NVC, is a process for creating the quality of connection out of which people more easily resolve conflicts, prevent misunderstandings, and tap into a natural generosity that happens spontaneously when relationships are positive.
As you will see, we can use NVC in communication, and in so many other ways.
What You Can Expect from this Training
You will learn that NVC is the integration of 4 factors:
- Consciousness: A set of principles that support living a life of compassion, collaboration, courage, and authenticity.
- Language: Understanding how words contribute to connection or distance.
- Communication: Knowing how to ask for what you want, how to hear others even in disagreement, and how to move forward towards solutions that work for all.
- Means of influence: Sharing “power with others” rather than using “power over, or power under others”.
And through an understanding of these four factors, you can accomplish your desire to do three things:
- Increase our ability to live with choice, meaning, and connection;
- Connect empathically with self and others to have more satisfying relationships;
- Share resources so everyone is able to benefit.
Join Karen Starz, International Trainer for the Center for Nonviolent Communication, for this powerful, interactive workshop which will include group work, dyads and role-playing of real-life situations. Karen enjoys making this a community experience and working with what is “alive” in the moment while creating an environment of learning. The learning is up to you! She will bring worksheets and resources for you to take with you and integrate over the days, months, and even years. The basic four distinctions of Nonviolent Communication will be covered (Observation, feeling, need, and requests) as well as what they are distinct from (evaluations, thoughts, strategies and demands). Power dynamics will also be touched upon and the complexity of our world in contrast with the simplicity of NVC. We hope this offering intrigues you; if you’d like to listen to Karen’s podcast prior to signing up you can do so here: Courageous Conversation
Meet Karen…
Karen Starz, a CNVC certified trainer, Believer, Cat Whisperer, Risk Taker, and Visionary is a leader who models both success and failure with courage and integrity. Her passion is in the exploration, discovery, and integration of processes which help humans live as they were meant to- in peace. Therefore, she loves creating systems that support connection in business, families, organizations and groups. She loves working with communities to find the points of disconnection and implements restorative processes through communication, spirituality, and continual learning opportunities.
For more information on Karen and her work, please visit