Kriya Yoga Meditation: Q&A Circle this Friday, January 5

Hi, Everybody!
Join the Kriya Yoga Meditation Group, which sits in meditation three mornings a week at Lotus Center, for a Discussion/Question & Answer Circle on Friday, January 5th, from 6:00 to 7:00 PM at Lotus Center. Experienced Kriya practitioners will be on hand to share their experience with the practice. This is a great, casual, no-risk opportunity to learn a bit about the Kriya Yoga meditation style and the group.
Kriya Yoga Meditation was brought from India by Paramahamsa Yogananda in 1920, and has rippled out with other teachers from his lineage. The practice was passed down by Yoganandaji’s brother disciple Paramahamsa Hariharanandaji.
Please bring any questions you might have about the practice, the lineage, or any other aspect of Kriya Yoga. The January 5 Q&A session will also be a great opportunity to learn more about the weekend immersion in February (Feb 10th and 11th), where the meditation technique will be taught by, and practiced with a seasoned teacher from California.
Questions? Please contact Izzy at
TLC (“The Lotus Center”) in the Community . . . Meditation in Public Schools (“MIPS”)
In response to a December 2022 request from the teachers at Aldo Leopold Middle School, Lotus Center dispatched one of our meditation instructors to lead weekly meditation classes to all five homeroom classes at the middle school.
We look forward to continuing our service to the Aldo Middle School in the 2023-24 school year, and to offering meditation at Snell Middle and Aldo Leopold High School as well.
MIPS is provided at no cost to students or the schools.