SAVE THE DATE: Kriya Yoga Teachings and Initiation with Yogacharya Lucy O’Brien

Come learn the meditation technique of Kriya Yoga, first brought to the west by Paramahamsa Yogananda (author of Autobiography of a Yogi). Kriya Yoga is a golden opportunity to reach higher states of consciousness, and to change your life, by developing the body, mind, intellect, and awareness of the soul. A sincere spiritual seeker who follows the path of Kriya Yoga with love and devotion and a desire for spiritual growth can attain Self-realization – even in one lifetime.
Here is the schedule of events . . .
Friday, February 9th; 6:30-7:30
A Public Talk with Yogacharya Lucy O’Brien
Location: Lotus Center
Cost: No charge
Saturday and Sunday, February 10th & 11th; 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Kriya Yoga Initiation Program
with Yogacharya Lucy O’Brien
Location: to be given to participants at Public Talk (if you are unable to attend the Public Talk but know that you want to be initiated please call Izzy at 603-933-2696 for full weekend retreat location)
Cost: $180
Who we are:
Lotus Center is a non-profit organization in downtown Silver City offering classes
in meditation, yoga, and other types of mindful movement. We also provide yoga
and meditation in public schools, nonviolent communication training, and other
community services, all at no cost or by donation.