Tough Love from Aghori Vimalananda
What is fate, after all, but the sum of your past karmas? And what are karmas except debts to be paid? You act, and your action sows the seeds of a reaction that you will have to endure, like it or not. I can’t try to prevent everyone from enduring their fate. People go on and on arguing about fate versus free will, but they’re all fools. Everyone has free will. You are free to decide either to live your life cooperating with Nature or to try to go off on your own. But even if you go off on your own you will still end up having to walk the path that Nature (which means the Law of Karma) has set for you. If you cooperate with Nature from the beginning you will waste less time and energy, and suffer less misery. Isn’t it more sensible and rational to choose the path of least resistance that entails the least pain? It is always better to live with reality, Robby, because otherwise, you can be sure of it, reality will come to live with you.
Aghori Vimalananda to his student, Robert Svoboda
from Aghora III; The Law of Karma