Are We Dreaming?

“Many people live unconsciously and really believe that the egoic version of who they are is their true nature. They believe all their life’s affairs, they believe their personal identity, and they believe whatever is happening in their ordinary life. Yet somehow these same people feel that they are stuck. Somehow, they know that they are a prisoner of a kind of fundamental delusion or unawareness. Everybody feels that, even though people may not have that awareness all the time. I think deep down, everybody knows that we are stuck, we are dreaming, and we are not really seeing the true nature of who we are.
Therefore, there is a universal desire in all of us that wants to see a bigger reality, a reality that goes beyond self, goes beyond all our ideas, a reality that can wake us up, that can liberate us. Peo ple try to experience that liberation through science, philosophy, or spirituality. This is where our desire for transcendence comes into being. Such an impulse brought each of you to study these traditional teachings in order to ultimately wake up and see the bigger reality, to learn how to live and die in a more enlightened fashion.”
Excerpt From
A Sacred Compass
Anam Thubten
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