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Cacao Medicine Journey with Nicole Gnutzman

An inner journey of reconnection, healing and wholeness

Saturday, November 16
4:00 — 6:30 PM
Cost: $60 (pre-registration required)

A ceremonial Cacao Medicine Journey is a deeply somatic, lucid dreamlike experience that reconnects you to the essence of who you truly are as it heals mind-body-spirit-soul.

Nicole honors the Cacao Spirit through shamanic practices and calls in the energies of the Directions and Elements, Spirit Animals and Guides, Ancestors and Star Beings in gratitude for their wisdom, guidance and healing.

After we drink the cacao, which is pure, ceremonial cacao from Guatemala, hand selected for its high energetic vibration and blessed with loving intention, you will deepen into the experience through a guided meditation, shamanic drumming, Reiki energy healing and a sacred music playlist allowing you to fully receive the medicine you most need.

This healing journey may assist you to

— feel unconditional love and self-compassion

— release emotional burdens and blocks

— reconnect to soul guidance and heart wisdom

— heal inner wounds and ancestral issues

— experience a sense of wholeness and expansiveness.

Ceremony is 2.5 hours and includes sharing post ceremony, which deepens integration and embodiment of the experience.

How to prepare for ceremony: For optimal effect of the cacao, it’s best to fast for 2-3 hours before, partake lightly of caffeine and have no dairy that day. Hydrating with water, before, during and after ceremony, and drinking electrolytes (coconut water is a good source) is advised as cacao is a mild diuretic and detoxifier.

What we’ll be drinking: Pure ceremonial cacao from Guatemala magically blended with just purified water and Agave. Please inform Nicole of any food sensitivities or allergies.

What to bring for ceremony: For your journey, you will be lying down for most of the session, so please wear comfortable clothing and have a yoga mat and blanket available. A bottle of water, eye cover or scarf and a journal and pen are also recommended. You may wish to bring a sacred object for the altar for blessing.

Intention for ceremony: Take a moment to reflect on your intention for ceremony: it could be a desire for inner peace and healing; clarity about your path; wisdom from your guides or ancestors or simply asking for what you most need in this moment.

Cacao Effects: A gentle yet powerful plant medicine, pure cacao contains neurotransmitters and psychoactive compounds that allow you to feel more expansive, blissful and held by the divine. It is not hallucinogenic.

Medical contraindication and conditions: Cacao is not recommended for people who are taking heart medication or high dose anti-depressants as it contains Tryptophan, Tyramine, MAO inhibitors and Theobromine that can interfere with those medications. If you are taking one of the above medications, please send Nicole an email ( to discuss.

 Cacao is also a detoxifier, so if your liver function is compromised and you have high levels of toxins in your system, please consult your doctor before drinking cacao. 

Questions? Contact Nicole at:

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