How Can We Be Freed from Sorrow?

The most precious and poignantly delightful moments soon fade. We cannot hold on to pleasure or create enduring positive circumstances in our lives. Change is inevitable, and these moments dissipate, collapse, or diminish in intensity, returning us to ordinary experience. Not even the rich and powerful can solidify their pleasures or influence. Grasping after this fleeting experience, wanting to prolong it rather than accept it passing, can cause deep pain. As we chase after delightful moments and lovely relaxing places, we may fool ourselves for some time that we have found heaven on earth. However, in these bodies we have here on this earth, the only way to be free from the sorrow of loss, the passing of beauty, and the regret of faded glory is to reach the state of enlightenment.
Excerpt From
Loving Life as It Is
Chakung Jigme Wangdrak
Image by Daniel Reche