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The Kindest of All

[Vimalananda] swung the car onto our street and parked it. Upstairs Roshni served us drinks. “Do you know the story of gold?” he asked. “Gold itself once told me this story: ‘I was resting peacefully in the womb of my mother, Earth, when men came and dug into Her and dragged me from my home. They tortured me by burning and melting me and forming me into new shapes. But I have altered their minds so that they do not keep me outside working for them; instead they keep me hidden in dark, cool vaults, very much like my mother’s womb. I have cursed them for tormenting me, and now they torment each other over possessing me.’

“Every substance which is stolen from the earth has its own tale to tell. Iron, which is also mined, becomes weapons when men hold it. Just as the earth’s skin is punctured in strip mines for iron ore, iron and steel are used to puncture men’s skins in the form of bayonets, and shrapnel, razors, and knives, needles, and scalpels. Likewise, coal has its tale to tell, and oil…

“How can human beings be so blind as to fail to offer the greatest respect and love for Ma, for our Mother Earth. We spill urine, feces, and toxic wastes onto Her, we walk on Her and spit on Her, but She never objects. We tear Her skin and extract treasures like gold, silver and precious stones from Her, and she gives them freely. Even though we pump her own life’s blood up from the depths of her body, She still supports us. And when we die She welcomes us into Her lap. Only Ma has such magnanimity. But even She cannot save us from the Law of Karma, because She looks on all Her Children — every mineral, plant, and animal — with an equal eye. What we do to Her children we have to pay for.”

Robert E. Svoboda

from Aghora III; The Law of Karma

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