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Save the Date! Embody Your Vision Workshop on April 12


If your vision can live in your body it can live in the world.

Do you have a sense of how the world could be, how you think it should be?  Do you long for a different way of living on our planet?  Do you move between idealism and cynicism? Embody Your Vision will help us focus on our visions for a good world and balance the light and the dark.

In this half-day workshop we will start with a guided visualization to get in touch with, and deepen our imaginings of a world our hearts and souls long for.  Then we’ll write and create drawings to make our visions more real.  Woven in will be a few songs to dance and get our whole bodies on board with our vision.  Finally, we’ll share in a circle, creating strength and support for one another, and ourselves.

The focus of this undertaking will not be on action steps, but on nurturing the felt sense, breathing power and permission into our deep knowings of what is possible. As you embody your vision, vibrations and actions will naturally emerge and ripple out into our world. Call it “ spiritual action,” if you wish. 

Embody Your Vision 
A workshop with Pamela Morgan
Saturday, April 12; 1:00 — 4:30 PM
Cost: $40
Pre-register prior to April 10 at Noon
To pre-register, please email Pamela at:

Thank you for supporting our non-profit, community-owned Lotus Center!


TLC (“The Lotus Center”) in the Community . . . Meditation in Public Schools (“MIPS”)

In response to a December 2022 request from the teachers at Aldo Leopold Middle School, Lotus Center dispatched one of our meditation instructors to lead weekly meditation classes to all five homeroom classes at the middle school.

We are happy to be continuing our service to the Aldo Middle School in the 2024-25 school year, and hope to offer meditation at more public schools in the near future.

MIPS is provided at no cost to students or the schools.

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