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How does Yoga intersect with Racism? – Soma Yoga Life

The Imperative: To talk about ways we can examine our own beliefs and experiences about race. We hope that opening up to these conversations can help to completely eliminate racism, and dismantle all racist systems.

The Vision: A world where everyone heals, everyone is connected, and everyone is uplifted.

The Mission: To help white people take an open and honest inventory of our own, individual racist conditioning and biases.  We hope that this investigation will result in more open minds and hearts when connecting with other white people, and BIPOC (Black Indigenous and People Of Color), in an authentic, healing way. 

The Question: How can we, individually and as a community, begin to set our hands to an issue so deeply ingrained in our society?

An Answer: A worthwhile start is a platform for conversations, questions, and bringing awareness to issues we are not always conscious of.

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