The Radical Perceptual Shift — Part 3
— Most writers in the early Christina era called this radical perceptual shift away from the judging and separate self “contemplation.”
— Buddhists called it meditation, sitting, or practicing.
— Hesychastic Orthodoxy called it prayer of the heart.
— Sufi Islam called it ecstasy.
— Hasidic Judaism called it living from “the divine spark within.”
— Vedantic Hinduism (the earliest) spoke of it as nondual knowing or simply breathing.
— Native religions found it in communion with nature itself or the Great Spirit through dance, ritual, and sexuality: “original participation,” as Owen Barfield called it.
Richard Rohr
from The Naked Now; Learning to See as the Mystics See
Chapter: But We Have to Make Judgements, Don’t We?
To be continued . . .