A Note on Class Size Limits
at The Lotus Center

Dear Beloved Yogis, Yoginis, and Dancers,
When Lotus Center reopened for indoor, in-person classes near the beginning of 2022, like the majority of businesses who have been riding out the pandemic, a recurring question for us was: Will our patrons come back?
We are delighted to see that you — our yoga and dance students — are indeed returning.
You may recall that we took a number of safeguards prior to reopening for indoor classes: one was a significant upgrade of our HVAC system, thus circulating more fresh air through our center. Another was to limit attendance at our movement classes to ten people . . .
For the last couple of weeks, a number of our yoga and dance classes have been bumping up to and exceeding our ten-student limit. Our wish to accommodate everyone who seeks the wellness of our movement classes, combined with the financial necessity of building our classes back up, has led to our decision to discontinue our 10-person class size limit, effective immediately.
We completely understand, and respect that some might not be comfortable with this decision. Please keep in mind the option of participating in our Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday yoga classes via Zoom. Also, you are always welcome to wear face coverings for any of our indoor classes.
We are tremendously grateful that you are returning to our indoor movement classes. Thank you for your ongoing confidence and support.
With very best wishes,
Jeff Goin
Executive Director
Our organizational values:
Equanimity, Integrity, Transparency, Mindfulness, Sustainability, Inclusiveness, and Fun