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Save the Dates! Nonviolent Communication Training

The World needs Nonviolent Communication

The Challenge

For many of us, our world feels more volatile than ever. Political, social, and economic conditions – and dialog – seem more intense and polarized like never before. Many of us wonder what we, individually, can do to bridge the gap of our disparate views, to invite more civil exchanges, to facilitate understanding, and to heal.

Now more than ever, our world needs nonviolent communication.  

Please consider joining us the weekend of November 11 — 12 for a transformative NVC training.

Lotus Center is proud to partner with the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Silver City to offer a weekend Nonviolent Communication (“NVC”) training. Karen Starz, a certified NVC trainer, will be coming over from Truth or Consequences to lead the training.

Thank you for supporting your local and global communities by training in nonviolent communication.

Here are dates of the training . . .

Friday, November 11 — Early evening mixer at the UU Fellowship
Saturday, November 12 — A full day of training to be held at the UU Fellowship
Sunday, November 13 — An early afternoon NVC “Practice Group” meeting (Note: The creation of an ongoing weekly Practice Group is one of the objectives of conducting this training)

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