Vipassanā (Mindfulness) Meditation Starts this Wednesday, January 25

“No, Ananda,” the Buddha told him, “having good friends isn’t half of the Holy Life. Having good friends is the whole of the Holy Life.”
– Upaddha Sutta (SN 45.2)
Join Allan Cooper and other meditators every Wednesday for a 45-minute meditation and 30 minute discussion about both the practical and theoretical aspects of being a meditator in everyday life . Our practice together and discussions will support our formal meditation practice, our meditative lifestyles and will offer opportunities to learn more about our neighbor’s and the Buddhist way of life.
Vipassanā (Mindfulness) Meditation with Allan Cooper
Wednesdays, 3:30-4:45 PM (beginning January 25)
Appropriate for all levels of practice.
Donations encouraged
Friends of Lotus is a giving program through which you can pledge a monthly amount to support the work of our Center, and ensure its ongoing viability. Would you please consider becoming a Friend of Lotus, and pledging a monthly contribution? If so, please visit: