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Shantideva Says…

“In The Way of the Bodhisattva, Shantideva says,

May I become a protector for those who are helpless.
May I become a guide for those who are traveling.
For those who want to cross the water,
may I become a boat, ship, and bridge.
All the realms of sentient beings
reaching as far as the limits of the sky,
until they all go beyond sorrow,
may I become the source of benefit to them.

These verses express both the heroic aspects—willingness to go to any length to be of service—and the more ordinary engaged methods for expressing loving-kindness. It is not a statement of some profound philosophical theme, yet it helps to understand the comprehensive scope of bodhicitta. Without engaging with the world, bodhicitta becomes an abstract notion, a lofty idea that does not motivate us to take action to help others in real situations. It is possible for higher ideals to become intoxicating and, when they remain just ideals, to produce no direct or beneficial actions on behalf of others. Bodhicitta can be turned into a notion of spiritual sentimentality, which can lead to false transcendence, spiritual bypassing, and lack of real engagement with the world. It can become another of ego’s entertainments.”

Excerpt From
Into the Haunted Ground
Anam Thubten