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The Fundamental Teaching

In parting, I would like to give you one small piece of advice to keep in your heart. You may have heard me say this before, but it is the key point of the entire path, so it bears repeating: All that we are looking for in life — all the happiness, contentment, and peace of mind — is right here in the present moment. Our very own awareness is itself fundamentally pure and good. The only problem is that we get so caught up in the ups and downs of life that we don’t take the time to pause and notice what we already have . . .

Many of you have generously asked how you can help support my retreat. My answer is simple: Keep this teaching at the heart of your practice. Wherever you are and whatever you’re doing, pause from time to time and relax your mind. You don’t have to change anything about your experience. You can let thoughts and feelings come and go freely, and leave your senses wide open. Make friends with you and see if you can notice the spacious awareness that is with you all the time. Everything you ever wanted is right here in the present moment of awareness.

Yongey Mingyur
from In Love with the World; What a Monk Can Teach You About Living from Nearly Dying
(excerpts from a letter to his students prior to his leaving for a retreat of indefinite duration)