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Reminder! Saturday, February 24 – Feng Shui for Your Secret Garden AND Eco Dharma Introductory Talk

We have two exciting events taking place on Saturday, February 24!


Feng Shui for Your Secret Garden: Empowering Your Garden for Beauty, Wealth, and Harmony

Your garden may not be so secret, but you can learn ancient Feng Shui secrets to make it special!

The first half of this workshop will cover Feng Shui theory and principles. During the second half, we will look at participants’ garden plans and discuss them in relation to Feng Shui principles. Discussions may include food forests, companion planting, perelandra, and biodynamic gardening.
Bring your garden plan sketches to discuss!

Feng Shui Garden Workshop
Saturday, February 24, 1-4 pm
Location: Lotus Center
Cost: $35


Introductory Talk: Eco Dharma … Etc. with B Sitkin

This ongoing class offers a variety of meditative practices and
contemplations to help transition from the meditation cushion to encountering the world. Eco Dharma focuses on reconnecting with Nature through activities based on our spectrum of 54 senses (that’s right, 48 more than the traditional five senses!). The “etcetera” part of the class will introduce the art of healing-listening, working with different aspects of our personalities that may be in conflict with one  another, and how nature can help us release ego (a.k.a, our “sense of self” or the “I”). Each class will serve as homework assignments
for the two-week period between classes.

Eco Dharma, Etc. — Introductory Talks with B. Sitkin
Saturday, February 24; 1:00 to 2:30 PM
Wednesday, February 28; 2:00 to 3:00 PM
Cost: By donation, with no one being turned away for lack of funds.

TLC (“The Lotus Center”) in the Community . . .
Did you know that Lotus Center has a YouTube channel? We do! Access dozens of yoga
and Qigong videos, as well as guided meditations by visiting . . .