Searching for Conclusive Knowledge from a Place of Limited Capacity

The living entity has a deep-rooted desire to gain comprehensive knowledge of the world she inhabits. Fueled by this need to know, she devises many plans to reveal the full nature of reality, but all these attempts fall short of their goal. It is not possible for the finite to know the infinite, unless the infinite chooses to reveal itself to the finite. There is no other means No other way. No shortcut.
Man may try to map out his existence, but with imperfect senses, a flickering mind, and limited intellectual capacity, he will fail to see even that which is right in front of him.
He perceives but he does not comprehend. He might even mistakenly assume that the narrow spectrum visible to him is all there is to know. And so he is led astray by faulty reasoning and bad data, ever the more confused by the intricacy of the world.
The wise person, having seen the fruits of such attempts, will abandon any such endeavour of arriving at conclusive knowledge about his world born out of her own limited capacity. Instead, she will strive to position herself in a way that will attract the attention of the absolute. And with hands folded, she will pray for an understanding that will fully satisfy her.
Kaisa and Christoffer Leka
from Tour d’ Europe