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Daily Dharma

View of soft bright light shining through a grove of trees.

Is Surrendering Frightening?

Is Surrendering Frightening? Touching nirvana, touching the ultimate dimension, is a total and unconditional surrender to God. If the wave knows that its ground of… Read More »Is Surrendering Frightening?

Silhouette of two figures ascending a mountain with one person helping the other climb to the top with a bright sun in a cloudy sky behind them.

Bodhisattva: Dedicating Life to Helping Others

Bodhisattva: Dedicating Life to Helping Others Practicing generosity is the accessible first step in which you awaken your bodhichitta and embark on the bodhisattva’s path.… Read More »Bodhisattva: Dedicating Life to Helping Others

A barefooted little boy sitting on a couch hiding under three pillows.

Where Do We Seek Refuge?

Where Do We Seek Refuge? Ignorance of the inner refuge—our true nature—is the root cause of suffering. We are not trying to get ignorance to… Read More »Where Do We Seek Refuge?