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Is Dedication a Form of Dana?

Is Dedication a Form of Dana? “Dedication is a form of generosity, even though you are not giving material objects but rather the merit and… Read More »Is Dedication a Form of Dana?

Am I the Dedicator?

Am I the Dedicator? “Dedicating the fruition of our practice can ultimately lead to realizing great emptiness. In the end, since it is all about… Read More »Am I the Dedicator?

Let Your Self’s Stuff Go

Let Your Self’s Stuff Go During Jeff Goin’s Medicine Buddha Meditation this morning, something struck me that was helpful to my own experience. I’m sure… Read More »Let Your Self’s Stuff Go

The Hero’s Journey?

The Hero’s Journey? Leonard Cohen said his teacher once told him that, the older you get, the lonelier you become, and the deeper the love… Read More »The Hero’s Journey?

What is Dedication?

What is Dedication? When virtue and nonvirtue are self-liberated,the concepts of hope and fear cannot be found.Nonetheless, cause and effect appear as the infallible play… Read More »What is Dedication?

The True Path

The True Path Just before Ninakawa passed away the Zen master Ikkyu visited him. “Shall I lead you on?” Ikkyu asked. Ninakawa replied: “I came… Read More »The True Path