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The Human Condition

The Human Condition The human condition: lost in thought. Eckhart Tolllefrom Stillness SpeaksChapter: Beyond the Thinking Mind

Enlightenment: A Superhuman Accomplishment?

Enlightenment: A Superhuman Accomplishment? The word enlightenment conjures up the idea of some superhuman accomplishment, and the ego likes to keep it that way, but… Read More »Enlightenment: A Superhuman Accomplishment?

Leave Your Yoga Mat at Lotus!

  • Yoga

Leave Your Yoga Mat at Lotus! Some of us have this recurring sequence . . .  You’re looking forward to attending yoga class at Lotus… Read More »Leave Your Yoga Mat at Lotus!

Undertaking a Fearless Self-examination

Undertaking a Fearless Self-examination It is significant to say that we reveal our own hidden faults — not someone else’s. Revealing hidden faults does not… Read More »Undertaking a Fearless Self-examination

Save the Dates: Trauma Informed Yoga for Everyone

Save the Dates: Trauma Informed Yoga for Everyone A Snapshot: Join Diane Smith, Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Certified Yoga Instructor, for this all-levels, four-class… Read More »Save the Dates: Trauma Informed Yoga for Everyone

The Heroic Quest

The Heroic Quest Note: The author uses the concept of “Emergence” in lieu of “Renunciation” Definite emergence as a natural instinct comes from deep within… Read More »The Heroic Quest

Kirtan Returns on August 22!

Kirtan Returns on August 22! Join Manda Jost and friends on Tuesday, August 22 for an evening of musical chanting and singing to the ancient… Read More »Kirtan Returns on August 22!