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The Broad and Surprisingly Inclusive Trauma Spectrum

The Broad and Surprisingly Inclusive Trauma Spectrum The usual conception of trauma conjures up notions of catastrophic events: hurricanes, abuse, egregious neglect, and war. This… Read More »The Broad and Surprisingly Inclusive Trauma Spectrum

Active Hope and Cosmic Dialogue

Active Hope and Cosmic Dialogue A Film and Discussion Series with Shirley Pevarnik Four Consecutive Tuesdays Beginning July 11Times: 6:00 PM to 8:00 PMLocation: Lotus… Read More »Active Hope and Cosmic Dialogue

The Taoteching #13

The Taoteching #13 Favor and disgrace are like warningshonor and disaster are like the bodyand why are favor and disgrace like warningsfavor means descendingto gain… Read More »The Taoteching #13