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Dying Before We Die

Dying Before We Die The recognition of luminosity is the experience of dying before we die, dying within the bardo (i.e., transitional period, or intermediate… Read More »Dying Before We Die

Community Service Work by Lotus Center

Community Service Work by Lotus Center A lot of folks know Lotus Center for being southwest New Mexico’s community space to learn and practice meditation,… Read More »Community Service Work by Lotus Center

Reminder: My Octopus Teacher Tomorrow, April 18!

Reminder: My Octopus Teacher Tomorrow, April 18! Please join us tomorrow, Tuesday, April 18, for a special screening of the heart-warming, Academy Award-winning film, My… Read More »Reminder: My Octopus Teacher Tomorrow, April 18!

Fully Immersed

Fully Immersed “To become fully immersed in the Self, to experience the Self as it is — pervasive and boundless — we need to penetrate… Read More »Fully Immersed

The Thread of the Self

The Thread of the Self “Unlike the ego, which comes and goes, inflating or deflating according to its position in relationship to other egos, the… Read More »The Thread of the Self

You are Not the Filthy Rags

You are Not the Filthy Rags In the Uttaratantra teaching by Maitreya, a treatise on the Buddha nature, a number of metaphors for the presence… Read More »You are Not the Filthy Rags

Loving Kindness for Ourself

Loving Kindness for Ourself In certain philosophical systems in India during the time of the Buddha, it was believed that if the body was tortured… Read More »Loving Kindness for Ourself