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Patience? “There is a story about the Tibetan monk Patrul Rinpoche in which he wanders somewhere in Tibet and comes across a monk in a… Read More »Patience?

Bigger than Us

Bigger than Us “Without the transcendent and transpersonal, we get sick…. or else hopeless and apathetic. We need something “bigger than we are” to be… Read More »Bigger than Us

Sky, Earth, Sun and Moon

Sky, Earth, Sun and Moon “the sky coversthe earth carriesand the sun and moon shine upon,no one in particular” ~San Wu

Home is Embrace

Home is Embrace “Home is all embracing, a continuous inclusion of all events: this too and this too and this too and this too. Home… Read More »Home is Embrace

Each Precious Moment

Each Precious Moment Our knowledge that we shall not pass this way again–almost unbearable– although it makeseach moment precious in itself,strikes even deeper of the… Read More »Each Precious Moment


Touch …and if ever I touched a life I hope that life knowsthat I know that touching was and still is andwill always be the… Read More »Touch

Commitment to Walk the Talk

Commitment to Walk the Talk “Bodhicitta has two aspects in the traditional texts: the bodhicitta of aspiration and the bodhicitta of engagement. The bodhicitta of… Read More »Commitment to Walk the Talk