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Compassion Is Easier to Develop Than Love?

Compassion Is Easier to Develop Than Love? “Developing bodhicitta has to involve authentic love and compassion. Otherwise, the whole process becomes a grand, lofty, and… Read More »Compassion Is Easier to Develop Than Love?


Metta Metta (lovingkindness) is the ability to embrace all parts of ourselves, as well as all parts of the world. Practicing metta illuminates our inner… Read More »Metta

Developing Bodhicitta

Developing Bodhicitta “Developing bodhicitta is giving rise to the most noble aspiration that a human being can hold. It is not like wishing for more… Read More »Developing Bodhicitta


Presence “Your presence is like a mantra, sacred speech that has a transforming effect. When your body, speech and mind are in perfect oneness, that… Read More »Presence

The Complete Silencing

The Complete Silencing “All conditioned things are impermanent.They are phenomena, subject to birth and death.When birth and death no longer are,the complete silencing is joy.”… Read More »The Complete Silencing

“Movement Matters”

“Movement Matters” “Total human movement is undergoing an exponential decline. If we represent the whole of human history with a single twenty- four- hour day,… Read More »“Movement Matters”

No Sound Bath in March

No Sound Bath in March Hi, Everybody! Here’s a quick note that SLUM won’t be holding Sound Bath this month, March. Sound Bath will resume… Read More »No Sound Bath in March