Nice Guys Finish First
Meet Boban Marjanovic, a 7-foot, 4-inch professional basketball player, originally from Serbia. He is a real-life example of someone who can be a kind, caring person in an unimaginably competitive setting.
Here is what some of his basketball peers have to say about him . . .
Tobias Harris, best friend (2015-present): His personality, I think, is really his biggest thing.
Matt Bonner, Spurs teammate (2015-16): He’s huge in stature, but he’s even bigger in personality.
Jon Leuer, Pistons teammate (2016-18): Pretty quickly, you could tell that he’s never had a bad day in his life.
T.J. McConnell, Sixers teammate (2019): I probably sound like a broken record, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen that guy have a bad day.
Marcus Morris, Pistons teammate (2016-17): You get to have a bad day. That’s normal. It just seems like Boban never does.
Stan Van Gundy, his Pistons head coach (2016-18): In the offseason, he was there working out and my wife’s nieces and nephew were there. They were very young at the time. Of course, they are in awe of Boban. I introduce them to him, and I get called away for literally two minutes, and (when I come back), literally, he’s got one of them up on his head and the other two on his shoulders – you know, like he had known them forever. They still talk about meeting Boban.
Aaron Gray, his Pistons assistant coach (2016-18): He comes in with hugs, with handshakes, and his hugs are a little bit different than everybody else’s. He swallows you up.
Ryan Broekhoff, Mavericks teammate (2019-2020): He (will) go make meaningful conversations with anybody. I think he’s just looking for someone to talk to. He’s great at connecting with people and really getting to know people on a deeper level.
Austin Rivers, Clippers teammate (2018-19): He’s genuine. There’s a lot of guys who are nice to you, (but) you aren’t sure if it’s genuine or not, or if he’s just trying to do his part and play the politician role. Boban’s love is genuine. And that’s why people like him so much; that’s why he has a bond with everybody. That’s just what it is. When he’s nice to you or he asks questions about your mom, your dad, he’s genuinely asking. People don’t just do that, you know, in this league. Everybody’s so caught up with themselves.
Frank Kaminsky, literally only went on a Basketball Without Borders trip with him (2018): There’s a reason why well-liked people become fan favorites – because they’re just genuinely good people.
Anthony Tolliver, Pistons teammate (2017-18): Literally the nicest human being I’ve ever met.