Welcome to Undoing Racism

Upon learning of the death of George Floyd last spring, Lotus Center’s board of directors felt called to do something. While we appreciated the statements of outrage and solidarity made by many businesses and organizations, we felt like we needed to take action to respond to this tragic and senseless death.
The “action” that we decided on was the creation of Undoing Racism.
Through this blog, we hope to discover and utilize tools to raise our racial consciousness and racial literacy. It is one thing to experience or witness racism, but another to fully comprehend the power structures in our world that have allowed racism to operate and evolve for centuries. Our goal with Undoing Racism, therefore, is to create space for open for respectful discussion and ideas on racism and race-related issues in the U.S and beyond.
What you can expect from this blog:
A look into visible and invisible racism– Examining our individual biases as well as systemic and structural racism.
Discussions about racism – How to identify it, and exploring ways to dismantle racist systems in our country and society.
Empowering each other to create an anti-racist community – Asking questions, initiating dialogue, and bringing awareness to issues that impact communities of color.
Thank you for joining us on this journey of unpacking, unlearning and undoing.

– Your friends at the Lotus Center