But Teacher, How Do I Teach People I Love to be AntiRacist if they Don’t Want to Be? – The Talk for NonBlack Kids
This Instagram post from @evolvedteacher gives a great example of how to engage in “the Talk,” about Antiracism with NonBlack kids. Even if you aren’t a parent, or a child, we hope the message in this post will resonate with you.
Slide One:
“But Teacher, how do I teach people I love to be Anti-racisr if they don’t want to be?”
The Talk for NonBlack Kids
Black Realstory Month Series
Slide Two:
Baby, its time for the talk.
Becoming an upstander is one of those decisions that show the world who you are.
It shows the world what matters to you. It shows the world that people matter to you… and that’s huge.
Slide Three:
There are some people who may think that this talk is too big for you.
But not me.
I know that you’re going to see things. You’ll hear people say mean things. You’ll see people be mistreated. And I also know that you’re going to want to do something about that. Because, after all, you’re an upstander.
Slide Four:
The thing about being an upstander is that you don’t just stand by while injustices happen , you stand up for what’s right. You stand up for what you believe in.
What people don’t often tell you is that
Sometimes you will have to stand up even when people you love do and say things wrong.
Sometimes they won’t be aware of what they’re doing. Sometimes they will.
Slide Five:
And there’s something huge you need to know…
A part of showing people you love them, is also helping them to become better people, too.
Let them know when they hurt others.
Let them know when they are wrong.
But, do it with love.
Slide Six:
This may not always be easy…
Sometimes, the people you love may choose the harmful choice. You may tell them that they are being racist or classist or even ageist and they may not want to change.
This may hurt you, and you may wonder, “What should I do?”
Slide Seven:
You’ll have a choice…
You could separate yourself from them
Or you could allow your life to be their lesson. Sometimes, this is the best we can do. We can’t make the world change. But we can model what change looks like. We can model what love looks like, what inclusion looks like, and what the world we all deserve looks like.
Slide Eight:
That’s it.
That’s the talk.
I knew you could handle it.
And now for one of my favorite Black phrases:
Don’t just talk about it. Be about it.
Slide Nine:
- What does it mean to be an upstander?
- What is “The Talk,” about?
- What are your two choices if someone you love continues to treat others poorly even after you’ve talked to them about it?
- Give the talk back to me. Pretend I’m a younger sibling, or someone the same age as you.
Did anyone ever talk with you about racism as a young person? Was the subject avoided? Please share your experiences with us in a comment below.
-Your Friends at Undoing Racism