Reminder: “A Peaceful Mind Amidst Political Chaos: First Wednesday Meditations with Jeff Goin” Tomorrow, Sept 4!

For Republicans, Democrats, Independents, and political agnostics alike, these are uncertain, perhaps even frightening times. But just because the outer political world seems to be increasingly uncertain and unstable, that doesn’t mean that your inner world can’t be grounded, clear, and calm.
Join meditation teacher Jeff Goin for “First Wednesday Meditations”, from 8:30 — 9:00 AM at Lotus Center.
These guided, nonpartisan meditations are specifically designed to relax our worried minds, and cultivate a new, spacious perspective that will sustain us through these unprecedentedly chaotic political times.
From Jeff . . .
My original idea was to hold a meditation on Wednesday, November 6, the morning after the election. No matter who wins the presidential election, there are going to be a lot of unhappy, frightened, even despairing people in our community. I wanted to hold a “morning after” meditation to support those people.
I ran the idea by a trusted, long-time friend of mine; he said, ‘I love it, but why wait until November to hold the meditations? There are people who are really struggling right now. Why not hold meditations on the first Wednesday of every month between now and election day?’
So that’s the plan: grounding, stabilizing meditations on the first Wednesday of the month. I’m really happy to be leading these meditations. First Wednesday Meditations will be offered in-person at Lotus Center and via live stream. To register for live stream, please visit . . .
No registration is required for in-person attendance; drop-ins are welcome!
Each meditation is self-contained. No prior meditation experience is necessary . . .everyone is welcome!
For more information, please contact Lotus Center at (575) 956-6647 or