Pause for Loving, Tenderness, Joy, Appreciation, and Gratitude

It is universally true that suffering is an inevitable part of human life. But there are practical methods and radical practices that allow us to find freedom from suffering by embracing it. There is a reason for this. It is through courageously and consciously embracing suffering that we can see its root and begin to work with it—rather than against it. This allows us to eventually let go of it. Approaching suffering this way, we can also begin to fully savor happiness when it occurs in our life. Not surprisingly, by embracing happiness and being fully grateful when it shows up, life may begin to enlarge and expand so that happiness becomes as integral and as lived as our pains and sorrows. The more we regularly pause for loving, tenderness, joy, appreciation, and gratitude, the more quickly we can turn our world around.
Excerpt From
Loving Life as It Is
Chakung Jigme Wangdrak