Join Medicine Woman Nicole Gnutzman on November 7 for a free Public Talk about Cacao as a Plant Medicine in general, and Cacao Medicine Journeys, in particular.
Ceremonial cacao is the purest form of chocolate coming to us from the rainforests of Central and South America. A myth says that cacao emerges out of the rainforest when the earth and its people need to come back into harmony. Anthropological studies have revealed that it was used for many purposes including as medicine, in rituals and as a way to connect to the heart and Spirit. Nicole describes herself as “former people pleaser, in-her-masculine, corporate vice president, then dark night of the soul wanderer, and eventually awakened being connected to her light and guided by her soul.” She lost parts of her soul and had forgotten who she truly was, so journeyed inward working with ceremonial cacao (a gentle, non-hallucinogenic plant medicine) as her primary teacher, healer and guide. It was a journey to self-awareness, joy and remembrance.A ceremonial Cacao Medicine Journey is a deeply somatic, lucid dreamlike experience that reconnects you to the essence of who you truly are as it heals mind-body-spirit-soul and provides the support needed to sustain that connection.
As a Cacao Medicine, Reiki and Shamanic Practitioner, Nicole holds cacao ceremonies as a plant medicine journey with prayer, intention setting, guided meditation, shamanic drumming, Reiki energy healing and sacred music. She has held Cacao Medicine Journeys at yoga and meditation studios, international retreats and healing arts centers; and privately for groups and individuals since 2014. Her private work includes guiding clients on healing journeys with plant medicine that allow them to get unstuck, release old patterns, and reconnect mind-body-soul. She is also Director of Training for Keith’s Cacao and has trained Cacao Practitioners around the world to share cacao in right relationship.
The talk, which will also provide information about a Cacao Medicine Ceremonythat Nicole will be offering later in November, will be held at Lotus Center, 211 W. Broadway in Silver City.
Plant Medicine and Cacao Medicine Journeys
A free Public Talk w/ Nicole Gnutzman
Thursday, November 7
5:30 — 6:15 PM