Feeling Grateful for Your Suffering?

You might think that you cannot possibly be happy about suffering or feel grateful for your suffering; you may think it seems like a religious concept to placate you: “Be grateful for your suffering.” But if you reflect and think about this, you can appreciate that suffering does have a palpable benefit in our lives. This is not simply speaking with religiosity.
Through struggle, difficulty, hardship, trials, and tribulations, people find their greatness, become better humans, and improve themselves on many levels. Such struggles might be the experience of financial hardships or emotional difficulties. Biographies of great beings who navigated their privations, adversities, and challenges and who developed remarkable qualities inspire us as well. We can become greater too by following their example. Life’s misfortunes summon us to a greater state of humanity. These difficult experiences are often the path to achieve greatness. Our own difficulties also open us to appreciation for how others are plagued by difficulties and sorrows. Our hearts are made wider and softer toward our fellow human beings.
Excerpt From
Loving Life As It Is
Chakung Jigme Wangdrak
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Image: YeeLey