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Daily Dharma

One Note of Zen

One Note of Zen After Kakua visited the emperor he disappeared and no one knew what became of him. He was the first Japanese to… Read More »One Note of Zen

Come Out and Shine

Come Out and Shine Come, consider the world,A painted chariot for kings,A trap for fools.But she who sees goes free. As the moon slips from… Read More »Come Out and Shine

On Spiritual Friendship

On Spiritual Friendship The Meghiya Sutta [Sutra]  is my favorite Pali text about friendship. It tells the story of the eager young monk Meghiya, who… Read More »On Spiritual Friendship

The Taoteching #21

The Taoteching #21 The expression of empty virtuecomes from the Tao alonethe Tao as a thingwaxes and wanesit waxes and wanesbut inside there is an… Read More »The Taoteching #21

The Vastness of Consciousness

The Vastness of Consciousness The realm of consciousness is much vaster than thought can grasp. When you no longer believe everything you think, you step… Read More »The Vastness of Consciousness