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Daily Dharma

The Taoteching #22

The Taoteching #22 Partial means whole crooked means straight hollow means full worn-out means new less means content more means confused thus the sage holds… Read More »The Taoteching #22

The Misuse of One’s Talents

The Misuse of One’s Talents The following is an exchange between author Robert Svoboda and his teacher, Aghori Vimalananda Aghori Vimalananda: I was an inveterate… Read More »The Misuse of One’s Talents

Loving Life as It Is

Loving Life as It Is “When we say “taking happiness and suffering as the path,” it does not mean we change the conditions of life.… Read More »Loving Life as It Is

The Prejudicial Thinking Mind

The Prejudicial Thinking Mind Prejudice of any kind implies that you are identified with the thinking mind. It means you don’t see the other human… Read More »The Prejudicial Thinking Mind

Mirage-like Appearances

Mirage-like Appearances For consider the world —A bubble, a mirage.See the world as it isAnd death shall overlook you. Buddhafrom The DhammapadaChapter: The World