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Kirtan on January 23!

Kirtan on January 23! Join Manda Jost and friends on Tuesday, January 23 for an evening of musical chanting and singing to the ancient melodies… Read More »Kirtan on January 23!

Balancing Commitment and Impermanence

Balancing Commitment and Impermanence People often wonder how it is possible, in the face of impermanence, to make a commitment to a relationship. It certainly… Read More »Balancing Commitment and Impermanence

Your are Purity/Impurity

Your are Purity/Impurity You are the sourceOf all purity and impurity. No one purifies another. The DhammapadaChapter: Yourself

Gudo and the Emperor

Gudo and the Emperor The emperor Goyezei was studying Zen under Gudo. He inquired: “In Zen this very mind is Buddha. Is this correct?” Gudo… Read More »Gudo and the Emperor


NO SOUND BATH ON SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10 Sound bath will not be held on Saturday, February 10th. May you enjoy a peaceful weekend. -Lotus Center