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You Can’t Hide

You Can’t Hide Nowhere!Not in the sky,Nor in the midst of the sea,Nor deep in the mountains,Can you hide from your own mischief. Not in… Read More »You Can’t Hide

Overcoming Mental Struggles?

Overcoming Mental Struggles? “Some religious teachings have a negative attitude toward our imperfections, encouraging us to suppress or eradicate them with an antagonistic attitude. Such… Read More »Overcoming Mental Struggles?

One Sleeps Soundly

One Sleeps Soundly “Having slain anger, one sleeps soundly;Having slain anger, one does not sorrow;The killing of anger, O Vasava,With its poisoned root and honeyed… Read More »One Sleeps Soundly

Still life painting of bright red large and small tomatoes arranged on a white background.

The Daily Dharma – May 8, 2021

The Precept of “Mindful Consuming” Aware of the suffering caused by unmindful consumption, I vow to cultivate good health, both physical and mental, for myself,… Read More »The Daily Dharma – May 8, 2021