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The Shadow

The Shadow Once we commit to the process of self-discovery and enter the alchemical vessel, it is inevitable that we will encounter the aspects of… Read More »The Shadow

Clearing the Cloudy

Clearing the Cloudy Allow the cloudy water of thought to clarify itself or to clear itself. Do not attempt to stop or create appearances. Leave… Read More »Clearing the Cloudy

The True Master

The True Master Editor’s note: The Dhammapada is a collection of sayings by the Buddha; thus these sayings took place in India, 563 — 483… Read More »The True Master

Everything Comes from One Consciousness

Everything Comes from One Consciousness Everything comes from One consciousness. The harmonious rhythms we call happiness. The discordant rhythms we call pain. Your child is… Read More »Everything Comes from One Consciousness

The Taoteching #15

The Taoteching #15 The ancient masters of the Wayaimed at the indiscernibleand penetrated the darkyou would never know themand because you wouldn’t know themI describe… Read More »The Taoteching #15

Last Call: Nonviolent Communication Training Starts on November 3!

Last Call: Nonviolent Communication Training Starts on November 3! Hi, Everybody! “Nonviolent Communication” and “Compassionate Communication” are synonyms; NVC is a profoundly spiritual and practically-applicable… Read More »Last Call: Nonviolent Communication Training Starts on November 3!

Momentous Thinking

Momentous Thinking The stream of thinking has enormous momentum that can easily drag you along with it. Every thought pretends to matter so much. It… Read More »Momentous Thinking

Realizing the Limitless Being

Realizing the Limitless Being The clearer you understand that on the level of mind you can be described in negative terms only, the quicker you… Read More »Realizing the Limitless Being